The Top 9 Entry Points for Rodents in Your Home [infographic]


The last thing you want is to see a rodent scurrying across the kitchen floor while you’re trying to relax. How exactly do rodents get into your home? These nine common entry points may be responsible for allowing these pests indoors:

1.   Gas line—A rodent will take advantage of any space or gaps in your gas line that aren’t sealed properly to come into your home.

2.   Air conditioner compressor line—Rodents will take an interest in your HVAC unit when the weather turns cold, and if your compressor line isn’t tightly sealed, they’ll continue their journey right into your house.

3.   Housing material junctions—If different exterior building materials on your home aren’t fitted tightly, these junctures can create tiny entryways that are the ideal size for rodents.

4.   Electrical meter—If the area surrounding your electrical meter has gaps or openings, rodents can find their way inside your house.

5.   Exterior and interior corners—Any place where building materials change directions can become a weak spot that creates an entry point for a rodent.

6.   Foundation overhangs—Pay close attention to any window and foundation overhangs in your house – these are easily overlooked entry points for rats and mice.

7.   Roofline and cedar shakes—Gaps between your cedar shakes and any spot where your roof meets other building materials are areas where rodents can make their way indoors.

8.   Window wells—If your window well has a drain, make sure it has a drain cover to prevent rodent entry.

9.   Decks and landscaping—Plants, trees, and decks can disguise entry points for rodents along the lower level of your home.

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