Expert Tips for Effective Rodent Control


At Canady’s Termite & Pest Control, we believe that you deserve to feel comfortable in your home, and it’s hard to do that when you’re dealing with a rodent problem. Rodents and mice have a history of spreading disease, so it’s important to keep them out of your space, and on top of that most people simply don’t like sharing their space with these critters. Our team has the right expertise to help you deal with any infestation you are currently experiencing, but we also want to help you prevent rodent problems in the first place. To do that, we have put together this article to give you some expert tips on rodent control.

  • Remove Sources of Food- One key step to take for effective rodent control is to remove potential sources of food. Things like open or unsealed food containers, such as bags of chips, pet food that’s left out overnight, and produce left in open bowls rather than stored in the fridge, have all been known to attract rodents. In addition, you should make sure that your trash containers are tightly shut, and that your home has no leaks for rodents to drink from.
  • Seal Points of Entry- The second step for effective rodent control is to seal off potential points of entry. Some of the most common ways that rodents can get in are through holes or openings around the cabinets or sink, gaps around the windows or doors, or via the crawlspace if it’s not properly screened in or sealed. Remember that rodents can fit through any opening that’s big enough for their skull, so be on the lookout for even tiny gaps.
  • Stay Alert- Lastly, even after you’ve taken these first two steps, to make your rodent control truly effective, you have to consistently inspect your home for signs of rodent activity. If you notice any rodent droppings or nesting material (such as shredded paper or fabric) around your home, we encourage you to give our team a call as soon as possible.
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