When Should You Call for Pest Control Services?

pest control

Pests come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them are seemingly invisible, while others leave a wake of destruction that is overwhelming and frustrating. Unfortunately, any time you have a pest control problem, it can take a while to figure out what to do to resolve the concern. Do you buy over-the-counter chemicals and treatments and try to tackle it on your own? Should you call a pest control company and let the professionals handle it? Here are a few times when you should definitely call for professional pest control services:

1.  Infestation – If you believe you have an infestation of any kind, such as ants, cockroaches, bed bugs, mice, or rats, you’ll want to call in the professionals. When you have a pest infestation, there is no amount of over-the-counter product you can use to get rid of these pesky critters. Calling a pest control company is the best way to get a rapid solution for a growing pest problem.

2.  Seasonal Pest Control – If you know that you have specific pest control issues during certain times of year, scheduling regular pest control services is your best bet. For example, calling in the pest professionals to spray before mosquito season or having your yard treated for fleas and other biting insects can make your property more comfortable and enjoyable throughout the year.

3.  Inspections – Another great reason to call for pest control services is when you think you might have a problem, but you aren’t sure what to do. An example of this might be if you believe you might have a termite issue but cannot determine the source of the issue. A professional pest exterminator will be able to help identify the issue and provide immediate solutions.

You can always trust us at Canady’s Termite & Pest Control to offer long-term solutions for your home or business. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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